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The Insiders' Secret 

to Optimized Designs 

Cellasto® - where creativity meets performance 

Performance Polymers

Cellasto® bump stops and end stops for a smoother and safer ride

Sudden stops are unavoidable, but they don’t have to be jarring. That’s why today’s innovators are using Cellasto® bump stops for a wide range of applications, from automotive interiors and power tools to suspension systems, elevators and cranes. To give your products a competitive boost, use this resilient elastomer to minimize mechanical impact and its resulting noise, vibration and harshness (NVH).

What does a bump stop do?

When suspension springs and elevating systems reach their limits, they need to be able to stop without damage or noise. On a smaller scale, the fine operations in automotive interior and power tool movement also require controlled stopping. Cellasto® bump stops in both of these extremes have proven superior at providing safe and controlled impact buffering with its high compressibility.

Cellasto® maintains its progressive impact response through many more cycles than conventional elastomers, which protects users and equipment for longer thereby reducing maintenance. As a result, engineering your products with Cellasto® will ensure your team stays competitive in the global marketplace.

See Cellasto®  bump stops in action

Ways to use Cellasto® bump stops

To dramatically reduce NVH and improve product durability, your team can design products with Cellasto® bump stops. Here are a few ways that Cellasto® can increase performance and reliability over the life of your product:

Engineers Meeting in Technology Research Laboratory: Engineers, Scientists and Developers Gathered Around Illuminated Conference Table, Talking and Finding Solution Inspecting Industrial Engine Design

Innovative solutions for a variety of customers and applications

Industry leaders use Cellasto®, the insider's secret for buffering mechanical impact and reducing NVH.

Work with BASF experts to magnify your team’s creative potential. The extensive versatility of Cellasto® helps you meet your product’s specifications and satisfy the most demanding customers.

Contacta a un experto en Cellasto® 

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Additional resources

Explore our knowledgebase of brochures, videos and other resources to expand your engineering insight and spark your creativity. 

BASF Cellasto® es un proveedor de nivel 1 con la gama completa de capacidades de ingeniería OEM, incluyendo diseño, pruebas y simulación.
Laboratorio de ensayo de materiales
El laboratorio de ensayos de materiales es responsable de la ejecución y la evaluación de un gran número de ensayos relacionados con los plásticos. Nuestra tarea principal es satisfacer la demanda de clientes internos para pruebas y consultoría. Gracias a nuestra acreditación según ISO 17025, podemos ofrecer nuestros servicios también a clientes externos.
Laboratorio de ensayo de piezas, optimización y tecnologías de unión
Trabajamos en desafíos técnicos complejos en el campo del desarrollo y aplicación de plásticos. Para esto, una variedad de equipos de prueba, así como instalaciones para diferentes tecnologías de unión, está disponibles. Proporcionamos soporte técnico para el desarrollo y ventas para todos los sitios de BASF y para clientes en todo el mundo.