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creating new VALue for plastics in an ERA of Sustainability

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Plastics & Rubber

BASF Plastic Additives:

The key component for your sustainable plastics solutions

Welcome our Product Carbon Footprint services to the VALERAS™ portfolio of sustainable solutions and services

Plastics, with unique properties such as versatility, durability, and light-weighting, are about to be transformed through creative additive platforms that will deliver valuable, sustainable solutions, and enhance savings in terms of cost and resources. 

The plastics industry has a strong mandate to increase sustainability, reduce waste, and enable circularity. As a leading global producer of plastic additives, BASF takes this goal very seriously. The product carbon footprint service is our latest addition to VALERAS™ portfolio and covers cradle-to-gate phase.

With VALERAS™, the Plastic Additives business has utilized its unparalleled experience in stabilization, protection, technical, sustainability and regulatory support to strengthen BASF’s two technology approaches to the circular economy: “Extend the loop” and “Close the loop”.  These solutions offer resource-efficient products and services which support our customers’ circularity journeys.

Join us on the journey to create this new era and add value to your plastic applications.