Performance Polymers

Scale up your green hydrogen production with Ultrason®!

If you want to be the frontrunner in the green hydrogen economy, then Ultrason® is the material of choice for you! The Ultrason® portfolio (PAES: polyarylethersulfones PSU, PESU, PPSU), offers a tailored material range which is ideally suited for various components in alkaline water (AWE), proton exchange membrane (PEM) and anionic electrolyte membrane (AEM) electrolyzers.

Your benefits with Ultrason®

  • Exceptional chemical and high-temperature resistance
  • Design freedom due to thermoplastic processing
  • Lower weight electrolyzers via metal replacement
  • Stable membrane casting due to high and stable material quality
  • Well-founded processing knowledge for efficient part design process

Save time, costs and become a frontrunner in the electrolyzer market

• We support you from choosing the right Ultrason® grade via part and tool development to the final production of the parts. We can replace nickel, ni-plated steel, PEEK, PPS, PEI and PEN.

• We are your global partner for developing high-quality plastic parts and high-performance membranes locally – with more than 30 years of know-how in plastic processing (also for large parts), material performance and membrane production.

All information in one place: from brochures and flyers to data sheets and technical articles
To learn more, please contact us and consult with an expert

For large-scale production of reliable water electrolyzers

You want to develop larger, more robust and durable parts for water electrolyzers with special focus on higher operating temperatures and longer lifetime? Ultrason® is especially suited where other materials (e.g., steel or PPS) fail to meet the future requirements in AWE, PEM and AEM.

Ultrason for

Flip photos to learn more

  • Suitable for high-temperature electrolyzers
  • Exceptional chemical resistance
  • Good dimensional stability
  • Excellent compression properties
  • Low ion/metal migration/content
  • Outstanding chemical resistance
  • Good dimensional stability
  • Low ion/metal migration/content
  • Ideal for film extrusion, also at
  • low film thickness
Separator membranes/diaphragms
Separator membranes/diaphragms
  • Suitable for low- and high-temperature electrolyzers
  • Exceptional chemical resistance, even in alkaline environments (pH > 14)
  • Excellent and constant material quality
  • Lowest dimer content in the market
  • Stable spinning solution in all common solvents

Ultrason® is the membrane market standard used in the water filtration and dialysis industry for over 25 years. BASF has profound application and process know-how in this field and is the ideal partner for bringing this technology to the next level in hydrogen applications.

Ultrason® accelerates green hydrogen production

BASF’s Ultrason® grades are amorphous, high-performance polymers with outstanding temperature and chemical resistance as well as constant high purity. Ultrason® provides excellent material performance under highly demanding conditions while being suitable for large parts. This enables long-lasting and robust electrolyzers, thus increasing manufacturing productivity for green hydrogen!

Key features of Ultrason®

Processing advantages

  • Thermoplastic processing: suitable for small and large injection-molding and extrusion applications
  • Good melt stability: allowing for stable processing
  • Lowest cyclic dimer content: stable membrane spinning solutions
  • Constant high product quality: enabling stable membrane casting

Metal replacement: tailored Ultrason® grades for different electrolyzer technologies and applications

BASF offers a tailored Ultrason® portfolio for the individual performance requirements of today’s and next-generation AWE, PEM and AEM electrolyzers to enable large-scale production of green hydrogen.






S 2010                                             

Standard medium viscosity injection-molding grade

S 2010 MR      

Standard medium viscosity injection-molding grade with ­improved mold release for complex parts

S 3010

Higher viscosity injection-molding and extrusion grade with improved toughness and chemical resistance

S 3010 MR      

Higher viscosity injection-molding grade with improved toughness and chemical resistance, improved mold release for complex parts

P 2510              

Medium viscosity injection-molding and extrusion grade with superior flowability, toughness and chemical resistance

P 3010

Higher viscosity injection-molding and extrusion grade with superior toughness and chemical resistance 

S 6010

Standard high viscosity membrane grade

BASF is a global partner but acts locally when it comes to developing high-quality injection-molded parts and high-performance separator membranes. BASF supports all interested companies with choosing the right Ultrason® grade and offers experience during part and tool design, up to final serial manufacturing.

Lead the transformation to clean energy – with BASF’s specialty plastic Ultrason®

Exceptional stability combined with optimal processing for high-performance electrolyzers!

Discover more

Consult with an expert
