Performance Polymers

Coastal protection

Elastocoast® - The innovative technology in Coastal Defense


Under the name Elastocoast®, BASF Polyurethanes is offering a novel plastic for reinforcing stone ballast revetments for dikes. These coverings represent the first line of defense in the fight against the sea, protect the dike by absorbing the force of the breaking waves and slow down the water masses

Revetments with Elastocoast are a new and innovative coastal protection system. The term Elastocoast means a bonding system that reinforces hydraulic gravel at their contact surfaces permanently by means of the 2-component plastic polyurethane (PU).

In a joint research project between BASF Polyurethanes and the TU Hamburg-Harburg (TUHH) the suitability of the use of Elastocoast in coastal protection systems has been proven and the long-lasting stability under environmental influence has been demonstrated. In a further research cooperation with TU Delft and the engineering office ARCADIS (NL), additional tests and dimensioning procedures (GOLFKLAP) for the use of Elastocoast in accordance with international standards has been provided.

More information about Elastocoast® at www.elastocoast.com
